Friday, September 10, 2010

Holy ACU's :]

ACU's-Dirt & Worms-Pizza-Cupcakes

Today has been a pretty good day, in my book. Allyssa is here!!!! Let me begin by describing you our experience when we went to pick Allyssa up from the airport. First of all-- I hoped there would be a crapton of soldiers on my plane to El Paso, figuring I was flying to the LARGEST Army base in the United States & i love the troops, however, I had 2-- count 'em folks-- TWO soldiers, not in uniform, on my flight. Allyssa, on the other hand, has no interest whatsoever in the soldiers... she loves them, don't get me wrong, but she has a bf and doesn't really get all tingly like some of us do, bahaha. Her flight was with American Airlines, much like mine was, it left out of Memphis, like mine did, she was traveling to El Paso, like me. Her trip was just about as BLAH as mine was... with one HUGE exception--- she was one of TWO ---- TWO civilians on the friggin' plane full of soldiers clad in their BEAUTIFUL acu's [the digital camo]. This heifer did not even make conversation with her passengers.. UGH. Oh well, on to the rest of my day...

Right now I am anticipating tomorrow. Since this is me & Allyssa's last time ever visiting Fort Bliss, we are "Fort Blissin' It Up" as Emily put it. Tomorrow is 9-11. I have a feeling tomorrow's trip is going to be beautiful & emotional all in one & i will blog ALL about that tomorrow. Tonight we played outside with Jackson. I was called down URGENTLY to come outside & see the "hottie-o" that was sitting on the ledge outside. He sat there for quite a little bit while we played with Jack's toys and talked. Eventually, he got up and proceeded to walk into the apartment directly below Emily. This is so amazingly ridiculous due to the fact that the people hellions that live below her have been EXTREMELY disruptive & rude the entire time they have lived here. The wife downstairs own 2 pairs of shorts and one EXTREMELY oversized tshirt and a white visor. WHO WEARS A VISOR UNLESS YOU PLAY TENNIS OR GO GOLFING-- THIS WOMAN DOES NEITHER OF THESE ACTIVITIES, BELIEVE ME! Her husband is BEAUTIFUL, however.. AGH, ARMY WIVES... DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED.. THAT IS A BLOG FOR ANOTHER DAY, HOWEVER. 

To end on a HILARIOUS note, i am going to now post my dearest friend, Allyssa's inspirational picture. She was not ever a fat girl, however--- she is on the inside. Her inner child is an obese little heifer, for real! LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

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