Thursday, September 9, 2010

Groceries & Gabbing.

 Team Snooki & Jwoww.

Tonight was a pretty blah night. We went grocery shopping, watched a few episodes of Jersey Shore & talked. Let me start by saying-- GOING TO WALMART HERE IS LIKE CROSSING OVER INTO MEXICO. I swear every 10 minutes you hear an announcement over the intercom in spanish.. I thought we were still in the United States.. evidently, I was very wrong. Also, having black hair does NOT make me Mexican... just thought I would clarify. Dinner tonight was spaghetti noodles with a DELICIOUS vodka sauce. Thanks, E!! Jack let me put him to bed & he has not gotten up once!! He also went potty on the potty chair TWICE! I love him so much & I am gonna miss him like crazy!!

Rene Moreno

 A couple of days ago, Emily & i discovered an inspirational movie. It is called "Up Syndrome." It is about a guy named Rene. He is 23 years old and does not think he is handicapped in any way, shape or form. It is such a beautiful testament to his wonderful relationship with Duane, the director. This movie will make you laugh until you cry & keep you crying because he is so tenderhearted and sweet. I think everyone should have to see this movie atleast once in their lifetime.

Yesterday, the next door neighbor, also in the Army, notified us that he found two --- TWO scorpions in his UPSTAIRS apartment. I am currently bunking on Emily's floor, on an air mattress, in an UPSTAIRS apartment. I have never, and do not ever intend to see a scorpion in real life, for my shrill screams would wake up the entire apartment complex & then some.

Tomorrow, Allyssa gets here at 2 o'clock. WOO WOO!!! This makes me realize that I only have one week left in my vacation. :[ I really do wish that i could stay longer, but i have a jewelry party to do on the 16th. I sell Premier Designs Jewelry. I love it SO much, however, I have been so busy the last month that i have not really had a whole lot of time to put into it. That is going to change the minute i land in Memphis :]. My Premier mom, Natalie is the bomb diggity. This blog is a very random collection of thoughts from the last few days. In the coming days, I'm sure my thoughts will be more refined than they have been. I am really enjoying this whole "B-LOG" thing. :D Until next time...

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