Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashionista Friday #1.

This will be the first installment of "Fashionista Friday." This is going to be what I blog about every Friday. It is basically going to be my review, or take on all things beauty. Since this is the first blog dedicated to this subject, I am going to just talk about my favorite everyday products. This is going to include hair, makeup, skin care, you name it!!! Here we go!!

These 3 items are my FAVORITE MAC items!
The first item, "Shadowy Lady" is a veluxe eyeshadow, which means it is silky & goes on SUPER smooth. It's an eggplant-ish color, but goes really well with browns and cream colors.

The next item is MAC fluidline, in black. This is a gel eyeliner, which is a whole lot better than liquid or pencil. I use this on the tight-line [the area right under your lashes] & the waterline [the area above your lower lashes.] It isn't "technically" waterproof, but on me, this stuff doesn't even budge! i LOVE it!!

The last MAC item i use daily, is "Brown Down" eyeshadow. It is just a matte eyeshadow in my favorite brown shade. For my daily eye look, i use this as my crease color. It works really well on my hazel eyes & it has lasted me for forever!

** MAC products can be somewhat expensive compared to drugstore brands, but believe me, they are TOTALLY worth the price! I have had my fluid line for about 9 months now, and I still have over half of the container full & I use it EVERY SINGLE DAY. So just keep that in mind, you truly get what you pay for.**

Since I got my hair cut into a short bob, I have gone through SO MUCH hairspray. I also have to straighten my hair daily, unlike throwing it up into the messy bun that used to be my signature, so I had to go and find a really great conditioner. These are the sprays I use DAILY. Call me crazy, but I use each one for a different reason. 

First off, That conditioner up there is heaven for your hair. Trust me when I say, it is a little bit more expensive than your "Suave" or "Tresemme" but it is wonderful! It smells kind of like tanning lotion, and leaves your hair super silky & shiny, without weighing it down at all.

The "teasing" hairspray is the Aqua Net. I know, you're thinking "That is SO old school!" Believe me, I thought the same thing, but, I have fallen in love with it! It smells terrible, yes, even unscented smells like crap, but it is so worth it for the results this spray gives you. I spray this on before I tease each and every section.

The "volume" hairspray is the Aussie. This one, unlike the Aqua Net, smells amazing. It also has amazing hold, and so I use this one to "bump" up my look just a little bit more. This stuff is like 3 bucks a bottle and really lasts all day long.

The "finishing" hairspray is the Salon Grafix. I came by this spray when I ran out of my Aqua Net. I found mine at Walgreens for about 6 bucks. Normally, I would not spend that much on a hairspray, but I have come to love this one as well. It hold every hair in it's place without feeling to "scrunchy."

These last few hair care products are not all daily use, but things I use to maintain my hair. 

The first item is obviously my straightener. A lot of my friends used this one before I got it. I used my friend, Emily's & realized my straightener just wasn't cutting it, so I went out and bought one of my own & swear by this one now.

The second is the new Tresemme dry shampoo for straight hair. Ok, ladies, we ALL know the tricks to keeping your hairstyle for more than a day. You take so long to straighten it, and you just want to keep it that way an extra day. Well, this stuff is a miracle! It's the same principle behind the "baby powder trick" --- if you don't know what that is, then this product is probably NOT for you :]. You just shake, spray it on your roots & comb it out. It seriously works instantly & smells good too!! [p.s. it doesn't leave a white residue like baby powder does.]

Lastly for the hair care products, is my Revlon hair color. Yes, I color my hair from a box. Yes, I have had my hair colored in a salon. No, I am not willing to pay $85 for one all over color, that I can do all by myself. This is seriously only $4. I know, for a lot of people this doesn't work. If you need to cover grays, not for you. If you just want to try something new & don't need alot of frills, this is the one for you. I have used this brand for about 4 years now & I have NEVER had a problem with it. PLUS-- it's ammonia free so it is really easy on the nostrils.

Ok, I know you're ready for this to be over with, but I promise these are the last few "daily faves." 
One of my favorite perfumes is "Juicy Couture." At first sniff, it smells a bit like an old lady, but once you spray it on, your body chemicals make it take on a while new smell. I just feel so much more.... classy? when I wear this stuff. It's awesome.

Spearmint chap-stick. Seriously, screw paying $5 for some stupid chap-stick! This stuff is my holy grail for lips! It smells so good, and it's only like 98 cents! It is hard to find, but when I do find it, I stock up. It is silky smooth & makes your lips feel divine.

PLUS WHITE!!! I do not claim to have good teeth by any stretch of the imagination, but I am picky about them. I use floss picks, whitening mouth wash, whitening toothpaste, etc.. I was watching a review by Kandee Johnson, an amazing makeup artist, & she talked about how she gets her teeth so white. I figured she was going to describe some sort of professional whitening system given to her by her dentist. She then held up her box of Plus White. I was intrigued & went & bought some of my very own. You can get it at any Walgreens for about 11 bucks. I only use this when I feel like my teeth are getting a bit "dingy." Then I can go for about a month without using it. I highly recommend this stuff if you have been looking for something to whiten your teeth & don't want to spend the $40 for whitestrips or anything.

L'oreal Collagen mascara. I love love love this stuff!! The waterproof version is the best. It has a much better quality than Lash Blast. This mascara doesn't really clump up or flake. It lengthens & volumizes. This gets an A+++ in my book! 

I have a complete arsenal of Bath & Body Works products. One scent truly stands out above the rest, though. Around this time last year, they came out with a new scent that they released in the Fall, called "Twilight Woods." I generally don't like "perfumy" scents, like this one, but something about it is so enticing! If I had to describe it, I would say it is like a warm fire burning in your living room, while you bake sugar cookies and snuggle up in a warm blanket. Seriously, it's THAT good!!! [& that is exactly the reason I bought the entire collection.]

Seriously, the last item, and probably the most important, is Chi Straight Guard. I use this before I begin blow drying my hair. You only need a dime sized amount, so it lasts a long time. It is really important to me to not have too much damage to my hair. Given the straightening, coloring & teasing, I use this EVERY TIME I blow dry &/or straighten my hair just to keep my hair silky smooth & shiny.

I really hope you have enjoyed reading about all of my daily favorite products & I hope these "Fashionista Fridays" really become popular!!! 

Peace, Love & NO Hair Grease.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Want A Hippo... Christmas List!

Ok, I don't know about YOU, but my family gets in the Christmas spirit super early!! My Nana already has most of her shopping AND WRAPPING done... it is only September 23! Christmas is only about 3 months away!! I have no ideas, nor have I done anything interesting to blog about, so I figured I would show you guys what I'm hoping to get for Christmas. This is probably going to be a longer blog, since i generally just tell everyone a TON of things to get me so they can surprise me... HERE WE GO!

White iPhone 3Gs.

Right now, my family has Cellular South, but at the beginning of the year, we are switching to ATT & though I am not really a HUGE fan of the iPhone, I am going to give it a shot.

Vera Bradley pleated tote in: Baroque.

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this new pattern!!! 

Some of MAC's new Venomous Villains collection.
I saw a review on this on YouTube... I cannot wait for it to come out on September 30th. The packaging is WAY cute & the colors are to die for!

Juicy Couture perfume.

At first, I HATED this scent... but over time I fell in love with it. I lost the bottle i got last year for Christmas, so I am PRAYING that Nana-clause will get me a new bottle this year. :]

Two candles from Candles By Victoria.
One in Viva La Juicy & one in Cookies For Santa.

This website---> has the most AMAZING candles in the world!! They are triple scented & every scent smells exactly what her descriptions say they smell like. She does dupes for Bath & Body works, perfume scents & she even has house blended scents. I would recommend these over any other candle shop OUT THERE!

Those 2 shirts from

My family is all from St.Louis, so needless to say we are die hard Cards fans! I am in love with Yadier Molina! [He is the catcher for the Cardinals]  Oh, & mom, I want the anvil baseball shirt for one, and a regular red t-shirt for that other thanks! :]

Tiffany's bracelet.
I love Tiffany & Co. I got a ring last year, I really like this bracelet.. length 7.5. :]

Or these <3

Well, I need to get to cleaning my room... It is a DISASTER & I can't stand to look at it anymore, & going to catch up on Jersey Shore. Hope you enjoyed seeing the things I hope to get for Christmas, lol. Blog ya later!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If You Really Knew Me...

I come from the generation of music videos & Facebook. But lately MTV has been showing alot more reality shows. One, in particular, "If You Really Knew Me" has really struck a chord with alot of friends as well as myself. I am NOT the first person to cry, but everytime that show comes on, I cry my eyes out because it truly gives everyone on there a unique, yet uniform appearance. It makes us all seem "human." What I mean by that is, it breaks down every wall everyone has ever built up & forces them to reveal their true selves & not who every one sees them as. So, here goes nothing...


You would know that I hated Memphis when I first moved here, but after making such awesome relationships here, I have come to realize that it really isn't THAT bad.

You would know that I am TERRIFIED of growing up. Why is it that everyone wants to grow up before they hit 18, but after that we are all BEGGING to be young again. I would give anything to be that little girl, running through Nana & Papa's sprinkler again, without a care in the world.

You would know that when I don't cry, or show alot of emotion, it's not because I am trying to be "tough" or "hard" it's just that I am not built that way. I feel like God chose for me to only cry for serious situations. I don't really know how to word what I mean, but I hope you understand what I mean. There are certain situations where I cannot hold myself together. Funerals, military losses, when something AMAZING happens to someone who is out on their luck. Or just when I am having an emotional day. Don't take it as an insult, just try to understand.

You would know that I dont mind being single, but I would love to be with someone. I am 20 years old & I feel like a failure because I am not in school right now & it feels like everyone around me is moving, while I am standing absolutely still.

You would know that I judge you by your clothes. 

You would know that I am NEVER going to be a size 2... & I'm ok with that... I also feel like I would be so much more happy if somebody would fall in love with me the way that I am now. I refuse to lose weight for a guy. That is just absolutely absurd.

You would know that I have confidence. Inside & out. Granted, I do have some securities, but not about my weight... I have fat, It's not like you can't SEE that I'm thick, so why should I be ashamed of it??

You would know that I HATED-- HATED-- HATED Easthill Baptist Church when we first started attending. I hated the gossip, I hated the people. I just had a very hard heart about the entire situation.

You would know that I have absolutely & positively fallen in LOVE with the people of my church. I look forward to attending church now. I look forward to sharing praises with my Sunday school class. I love my Sunday school class.

You would know that I hate my father, not for what he did to me, but what he did to my mother. He is a low life. Do not feel sorry for me, feel sorry for him, because he is the one who will NEVER get to walk his little girl down the aisle, or hold his grandchildren in his arms one day, and someone else has taken his place. You would also know that as a Christian, I know it is my duty to forgive, but I cannot forgive him for what he did. EVER. And I won't ever forgive him. End of story.

You would know that I am so thankful to Emily, Allyssa, Tiffany, My mom, Mrs.Rachael, Mrs. Sheila, Lauren, & many more for being there when I needed someone to talk to, or to laugh with, or to just vent my frustrations to. Thank you guys for ALWAYS being there, no matter the time of day or the day of the week. You are all amazing.

My "If You Really Knew Me" was a little bit different from the t.v. show, in that I dont really have to deal with a whole lot of issues, nor have I ever. I am a strong person & things really & truly don't get to me alot of times. But, I do have problems, I do have things I put on a front about, everybody does. The truth is, we all have things we need to get off of our chests. We all have things we hide. What would people see if they REALLY got to know you?

Friday, September 17, 2010

As I sit here, at 1:40 in the morning, unable to sleep for the first time in forever, I am looking at everybody's Facebook pages & pictures and my mind is restless. I cannot help but think everyone is passing me by & I am completely & utterly standing still. So many things are running through my mind right now. 
-- Am I a failure because I took a little time off from school? 
-- Should I be more worried about not being with someone? 
-- Should I really be wasting all of my time working my life away at a terrible job that I absolutely cannot stand? 
-- Should I quit? 
-- Is my Premier Designs business going to keep flourishing? 
-- Should I have stayed in El Paso longer? 
-- Should I just get my teaching degree instead of going to cosmetology school?
-- Why is EVERYONE getting married &/or having kids?

-- Am I wrong for not WANTING to do that stuff right now?

I am literally DREADING going to work at 11 tomorrow. That may sound lazy, but really, working with food is not getting me ANYWHERE. I have to deal with people's orders & they do not like it when I THEY are wrong. It frustrates me to no end! I am determined to find a new job. I HAVE to put applications in everywhere. I just feel like working at Sonic for 4 years+ is PLENTY. It's time for me to move on. Even if i have to deal with people in retail, I feel like it would be tons better than working at Sonic. Then again, I may just be a naive 20 year old who doesn't know what she is talking about. I feel so lost right now, like I have nobody to turn to to talk to about this stuff, because everybody has a different opinion. It really has come down to what my heart is telling me to do. I pray that I will get peace about this before I actually do it. Sonic is my first legit job & it is so hard for me to leave it behind ( I know how retarded that sounds, but it's true.) I guess I will blog some more tomorrow... Gotta get some rest for the good ole Sonic Drive-In tomorrow. :[

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A is for Age: I'll be 21 next year. :]

B is for Body: More To Love.

C is for Career: Going Back To School.

D is for Dad's name: Mike.

E is for Essential items to bring to a party: Personality.

F is for Favorite song or music: Marchin' On- One Republic.

G is for Goof off thing to do: Probably Blogging :]

H is for Hometown: St.Charles Missouri.

I is for Instrument you play: Have Played The Clarinet.

J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Concord Grape.

K is for Kids: I Want A Few Eventually.

L is for Living arrangement: Parentals House.

M is for Mom's name: Camelya.

N is for Name of best friend: Emily Evans.

O is for Overnight Stay in a Hospital: Never.

P is for Phobias: Clowns.

Q is for Quote you like: I'd Rather Be Fat & Beautiful Than Skinny & Ugly... I Can Always Diet.

R is for Relationship that lasted longest: Austin [GAG]

S is for Siblings: 2 Brothers.


U is for Unique trait: I Have The Ability To Make People Laugh.

V is for vegetable you love: BROCCOLI!!

W is for Worst traits: Being Loud & Blunt.

X- is for X-rays you've had: Chest. Head. Sinuses. Foot.

Y is for Your favorite color: Green--- Does ACU Camo Count As A Color, LOL.

Z is for Zodiac sign: Leo.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

& So It Goes...

Air Assault Training :D
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.
I cannot explain to you the amazing times I have had these past few weeks with Emily & Jackson Lee. Thinking about leaving tomorrow, it makes me really emotional for MULTIPLE reasons... one: I don't want to leave Emily- it is always bittersweet leaving a friend who means so much to you & really makes you a better person. two: I will probably never visit Fort Bliss again, and many people who are going to read this blog aren't going to understand the power that the military base has. It has a feeling unlike anything I have ever felt before. I do not want to leave at all. three: I don't want to leave Emily until Michael comes back home from recruiting school. I know she has Allyssa until Friday, but after that she is pretty much alone, with the exception of her awesome neighbor, Holly. I will really really really miss this place. For those of you who know me, you know that I am not a person to cry at all... tonight we listened to our "soldier song" [Marchin' On by One Republic] & all i could do was watch the city pass me by & cry my eyes out. This time it feels so much more emotional for me. I am literally going to be a weeping WRECK tomorrow when i have to leave Emily, Jack & Allyssa at the bottom of the stairs to security. Who will I :
  • Stalk Facebook with?
  • Sing & dance with in the car?
  • Shop with?
  • Lounge around with & have lazy days with?
  •  Have our crazy conversations with? 

I guess at this point I can just look forward to visiting the Evans family in Kentucky... On a MUCH better note-- me, Emily & Allyssa all adopted a platoon & last night, I adopted a soldier [airman], he is SrA (E-4), on his 1st deployment, he is in Guam... more about our platoon-- we have been really wanting to help show our support, especially since E isn't going to live so close to a base anymore, so when I adopted my soldier, i just searched the internet & found a website where you can adopt an entire platoon... WOO WOO!!! We should know more about our platoon within the next few days. I will keep you updated about my soldier when I hear back from him. It's about 10:08 pm & we are all SO tired. I think we are about to head to bed for the night, I am going to post a few pictures from tonight, below. ENJOY & GOD BLESS.

Me & Allyssa

Chicken Cannelloni.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Somebody Has To Say It

A Random Rant About Everything:
  • When you straighten your hair, don't forget the back.
  • I don't feel you should tip if you feel your service was not good.
  • Don't strive for perfection, strive for YOUR best.
  • Fat girls do NOT belong in tight/short items of clothing.
  • Your dark roots with your platinum blonde hair looks TRASHY.
  • Don't start drama -- Won't be no drama.
  • If your pants size is a SINGLE digit, I don't wanna hear about your body problems.
  •  Obama sucks.
  • Black girls-- blonde is not natural for you.
  • Camo is a fashion item.
  • It's not a "crick"... It's a creek.
  • It's ok to break etiquette.
  • It's ok to stretch the truth a little bit.
  • It's ok to stalk your friends/enemies as long as it's on facebook.
  • It's ok to not like sweet tea.
  • Burping & Farting are natural occurances.
  • I don't want to hear about your breakup unless you're one of the girls in my circle.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Have You Forgotten?

^Emily took this picture.

Where were you when the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 happened? I will NEVER forget that Tuesday morning. Me & my brother, Michael were getting ready to go to school and we were watching the news, like usual, when all of a sudden the newscasters interrupted their boring dialog about the weather & traffic reports to bring us breaking news. An airplane had hit one of the World Trade Center building in New York City. This was such a travesty in my little mind. I know me & my brother asked my mom a BILLION questions. Then, what seemed like only seconds later, a second plane hit into the other tower.  At this point, I am only 11 and my young mind cannot comprehend the words that came out of the mouth of the newscaster's mouth--"America is under attack." I remember my mom crying and just trying to answer our questions as well as she could. She only knew as much as the news was telling her. We went on to school and had to wonder what was going on at home while we were in school. I remember hearing the teachers talking amongst themselves about whether or not they terrorists would try to attack the St.Louis Arch next... The fear we all had, as middle schoolers, was obvious. So they all had us go to the gym and they talked to us about it. When I got home from school, I remember for the next three weeks, or it seemed like it anyway, that is all that was on the t.v. I always knew that THOUSANDS of people died in the buildings & the Penn. field, but i didn't realize exactly HOW many troops were being killed until a few years later. 

I am not sitting here claiming to know how it feels to be with somebody in the military. And I cannot sit here and tell you I know how it feels to have to keep my phone on my hip because my bf/husband/family member may call at anytime & may only have 2 minutes to talk. I can't sit here and tell you that I know what it's like to wonder if my significant other is alive or dead due to the fact that all communication in Iraq or Afghanistan has been blacked out. But I can tell you that I know it is taxing on both the spouse/family & the soldier. This year i have visited Fort Bliss countless times, I have witnessed the homecoming of my best friend's husband [one of the most beautiful things i have ever witnessed in my LIFE.] I have seen what these boys go through-- VOLUNTARILY. It breaks my heart that people don't stand behind our troops, especially since every man and woman who is fighting &/or has fought in OIF has enlisted them self. Sorry for that rant, just thought I would throw it in there :D.

Today, me, E, A & Jack-Jack went to Fort Bliss & took tons of pictures since we will probably never be able to visit this base again. We saw alot of military vehicles [humvees, trucks, tanks etc...] being transported, which generally means that somebody is getting ready to deploy :[. After witnessing taps again, [if you don't feel something when you see taps, there is something wrong with you.] we drove down to the Fort Bliss cemetery. We didn't see any graves from OIF, but we saw headstones engraved with every other war we have fought. The saddest part for me was seeing all of the flags that people had placed beside the headstones. To think that I was standing among true HEROES. I will never forget this day. Thank you, Emily for sharing your Army life with me. It will always be something I will remember & cherish as long as I live. :D

Onto a few lighter notes...
Today we had quite a few funny things happen-- they are as follows;
  • Allyssa had the door at the shopette held for her by a beautiful soldier & decided to open the other door for herself and walked right on through... I got voted to stay in the car with the baby-- REALLY? :[
  •  Emily then couldn't get the gas to pump, which she had JUST teased me about, not even TWO days ago.
  •  We had to go off post just for somEbody to go "shock n' awe" in her own bathroom-- PRINCESS.
  • On the way back to Emily's apartment, I waved at the most beautiful soldier who was riding his harley down the highway, i got a triple take, and he even rode for a little while with his head turned around. 
  • Me & Allyssa went to Walgreens, but here you have to go past it to get back to it-- thanks, El Paso for being quite the confusing city. 
  • On the way TO Walgreens, i felt the need to press the button to ENTER the gate... you don't need to press the button when exiting.
  • Allyssa got a towel out of Emily's bathroom to lay on her lap so she wouldn't make a mess... as soon as Emily said something to her about it and Allyssa said that she doesn't make messes, she set her arm directly into the plate of hotdog & chili-- NICE, A!
  • Last but NOT least: Emily was stopped at a red light. The van next to us had a big stuffed white tiger in the back. She then proceeds to tell us that she had to look twice-- she thought it was real BAHAHA.
Well, I am gonna get ready for bed-- church in the morning. Good Night & God Bless.

These Colors May Fade But They NEVER Run.
All Have Gave Some- Some Have Gave ALL.

The Infamous Tiger.

Me & E.

Me & A.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Holy ACU's :]

ACU's-Dirt & Worms-Pizza-Cupcakes

Today has been a pretty good day, in my book. Allyssa is here!!!! Let me begin by describing you our experience when we went to pick Allyssa up from the airport. First of all-- I hoped there would be a crapton of soldiers on my plane to El Paso, figuring I was flying to the LARGEST Army base in the United States & i love the troops, however, I had 2-- count 'em folks-- TWO soldiers, not in uniform, on my flight. Allyssa, on the other hand, has no interest whatsoever in the soldiers... she loves them, don't get me wrong, but she has a bf and doesn't really get all tingly like some of us do, bahaha. Her flight was with American Airlines, much like mine was, it left out of Memphis, like mine did, she was traveling to El Paso, like me. Her trip was just about as BLAH as mine was... with one HUGE exception--- she was one of TWO ---- TWO civilians on the friggin' plane full of soldiers clad in their BEAUTIFUL acu's [the digital camo]. This heifer did not even make conversation with her passengers.. UGH. Oh well, on to the rest of my day...

Right now I am anticipating tomorrow. Since this is me & Allyssa's last time ever visiting Fort Bliss, we are "Fort Blissin' It Up" as Emily put it. Tomorrow is 9-11. I have a feeling tomorrow's trip is going to be beautiful & emotional all in one & i will blog ALL about that tomorrow. Tonight we played outside with Jackson. I was called down URGENTLY to come outside & see the "hottie-o" that was sitting on the ledge outside. He sat there for quite a little bit while we played with Jack's toys and talked. Eventually, he got up and proceeded to walk into the apartment directly below Emily. This is so amazingly ridiculous due to the fact that the people hellions that live below her have been EXTREMELY disruptive & rude the entire time they have lived here. The wife downstairs own 2 pairs of shorts and one EXTREMELY oversized tshirt and a white visor. WHO WEARS A VISOR UNLESS YOU PLAY TENNIS OR GO GOLFING-- THIS WOMAN DOES NEITHER OF THESE ACTIVITIES, BELIEVE ME! Her husband is BEAUTIFUL, however.. AGH, ARMY WIVES... DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED.. THAT IS A BLOG FOR ANOTHER DAY, HOWEVER. 

To end on a HILARIOUS note, i am going to now post my dearest friend, Allyssa's inspirational picture. She was not ever a fat girl, however--- she is on the inside. Her inner child is an obese little heifer, for real! LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Groceries & Gabbing.

 Team Snooki & Jwoww.

Tonight was a pretty blah night. We went grocery shopping, watched a few episodes of Jersey Shore & talked. Let me start by saying-- GOING TO WALMART HERE IS LIKE CROSSING OVER INTO MEXICO. I swear every 10 minutes you hear an announcement over the intercom in spanish.. I thought we were still in the United States.. evidently, I was very wrong. Also, having black hair does NOT make me Mexican... just thought I would clarify. Dinner tonight was spaghetti noodles with a DELICIOUS vodka sauce. Thanks, E!! Jack let me put him to bed & he has not gotten up once!! He also went potty on the potty chair TWICE! I love him so much & I am gonna miss him like crazy!!

Rene Moreno

 A couple of days ago, Emily & i discovered an inspirational movie. It is called "Up Syndrome." It is about a guy named Rene. He is 23 years old and does not think he is handicapped in any way, shape or form. It is such a beautiful testament to his wonderful relationship with Duane, the director. This movie will make you laugh until you cry & keep you crying because he is so tenderhearted and sweet. I think everyone should have to see this movie atleast once in their lifetime.

Yesterday, the next door neighbor, also in the Army, notified us that he found two --- TWO scorpions in his UPSTAIRS apartment. I am currently bunking on Emily's floor, on an air mattress, in an UPSTAIRS apartment. I have never, and do not ever intend to see a scorpion in real life, for my shrill screams would wake up the entire apartment complex & then some.

Tomorrow, Allyssa gets here at 2 o'clock. WOO WOO!!! This makes me realize that I only have one week left in my vacation. :[ I really do wish that i could stay longer, but i have a jewelry party to do on the 16th. I sell Premier Designs Jewelry. I love it SO much, however, I have been so busy the last month that i have not really had a whole lot of time to put into it. That is going to change the minute i land in Memphis :]. My Premier mom, Natalie is the bomb diggity. This blog is a very random collection of thoughts from the last few days. In the coming days, I'm sure my thoughts will be more refined than they have been. I am really enjoying this whole "B-LOG" thing. :D Until next time...


Fort Bliss.
El Paso would not be my first choice to visit on vacation, however, my best friend, Emily lives here. Her husband is at recruiting school, so I have come to visit her. I have been here for about 2 weeks now, and I go back home on the 15th. Our other friend, Allyssa, is coming into town for a week on Friday [me & e are really excited.]

I have always wanted to start a blog, but always thought i would run out of things to talk about. If you know me, you know that would never really happen. I am now creating this blog due to restlessness. It is about 2 o'clock in the morning, El Paso time, and i cannot sleep. Emily has been up with an ear ache, and Jackson, Emily's [almost] 2 year old has been quite a handful today. :]

I really love this place-- well, i love Fort Bliss, not El Paso so much. And today, I have come to the realization that i will probably NEVER visit here again. Once you experience this, or im sure any other Army base for that matter, you feel so much more patriotic. It is an amazing feeling to drive on post and just see these men and women in uniform. It's something I cannot even begin to describe. I am going to try to blog atleast once a day-- i should have started doing this a LONG time ago. For now, I am going to try to catch some zzz's.. me, E & Jack are going to get everything ready for A tomorrow.

 Laugh more than you cry-- B.