Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 1. BC.

WOW, it has been a LONG time since my last post! Sorry about that. I was browsing my blogs I follow & came across my friend, Tiffany's blog & it is a thirty day blog challenge. It seems really interesting & fun, so I am going to be starting that & maybe throwing in some other random blogs here & there. Here goes SOMETHIN'.

Day One: Recent Picture. Introduce Yourself. 15 facts. 
 This is me & my friend Blaire at work.

I work at Sonic Drive-In & have for 4 years now. I am starting at Paul Mitchell in the spring. I absolutely love all things fashion/beauty related. I love my life.

  1. I moved to Memphis in 2001.. & I really don't hate it too much anymore, but I would much rather be in St.Louis. 
  2. I am in LOVE with the St.Louis Cardinals. Yadi is truly a hottie :]
  3. I hate disorganization, unless it is my own.
  4. I have a serious addiction.. to shopping. I could literally shop all day, every day. I love it so much!
  5. If you tell me I can't do something, I will do it, on time & better than you could have done it. I am VERY stubborn.
  6. I hate being wrong.
  7. I hate when I'm right & somebody tells me I'm wrong even more.
  8. I already have my wedding dress, colors & bridesmaids dresses picked out in my head.. [I am single & do not even like anybody right now.]
  9. I love being a Christian & I am truly blessed beyond ALL measure.
  10. I think hoodies, Old Navy jeans & big sunglasses are the perfect ingredients for a perfect day.
  11. I have clothes & shoes in my closet that I have never worn.
  12. I cannot bite my tongue. Why is it that when we are younger they teach us not to lie, but when we grow older, they teach us to bite our tongues?? Nobody can ever say I'm not honest.
  13. I cannot lie to save my soul. So, if I tell you something, you should believe it, unless the huge grin appears on my face & my eyebrows raise... or so I'm told.
  14. I consider myself to be very creative, in many areas, but I get bored easily with things, push them aside, then fall in love with them all over again.
  15. I love the friends that I have. Loyal friends are few & far between. Yes, we all may have our fights & disagreements, but in the end, the fact that we are all still there for each other & we can laugh & cry with each other means the world to me. I love you guys more than you will ever know.

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