Friday, October 22, 2010

What's In A Name?

Day 2 of the 30-day Blog Challenge.

When I first set up my blogger, I filled everything out, personalized everything & even put up my header & background before I came up with my blog name. "Meaningful Nonsense" is the name that really struck a chord with me. I love oxymorons. Call me an English nerd all you want, but I really find it interesting that so many sayings we use everyday completely conflict each other. For instance, pretty ugly. So I knew I needed something different. When I think of blogs, I think of meaningful stories of everyday lives of bloggers. The nonsense comes into play because if you know me, I am really really random. I like to say off the wall things just to get a laugh, or to make somebody laugh. That is one of my favorite things to do, make people laugh. So, it only made sense to put meaningful & nonsense together. I feel like it personifies my personality-- serious & fun all at the same time.

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