Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 6.

A Picture That Makes You Happy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 5.

Ok, I feel so behind in this blogging challenge, so I am going to do a few days today... I also got off work early, it's rainy & cold & I am super bored :]

The Siblings.

This is Michael. He is the middle child. He is 18 years old & is a senior in high school. He wants to join the Army after he graduates. Me & him get along the best considering we are only 2 years apart. Alot of people even ask us if we are twins. We are alot alike, in the fact that we both have MAJOR attitudes & are very blunt and opinionated. I love him.. even though he teases me about my shoes & driving. We are the two who will play pranks on the rest of the family. We can tell each other secrets & pick on Nathan & at the end of the day, I feel like I'm closest to him.

This is Nathan. As you can tell, he is kind of the oddball of the family. We all have the same parents, but Nate definitely got the recessive genes. He was born when I was 8. There is a pretty big leap in the age difference between me & him. He is the annoying one to me. We do get along, whenever Michael isn't around. I pick on him & tease him, but I really do love and care about him and Michael & I don't know what I would do withou either of them.

Day 4.

Meet The Parents.

This is my mom, Camelya. Her & my dad are divorced, so I live with her & my step-dad, Jeff. I love my mom so much!! We have gone through so much in the past few years & she is our family's rock. Me & my brothers look up to her because she stayed so strong when my dad walked out & when other things just go wrong. I could never put into words exactly how much I love her, but I can truly say she is more than my mom, she is my best friend. Even though we fight like sisters, she is always there giving her opinion [even when I don't want it :] ] & helping me get by on this journey called life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


First True Love.
First of all, I want to start by saying I believe your first TRUE love will be your LAST true love. I can say I have thought I was in love before... for a really long time, actually, but I think I liked the idea of being in love more than I actually loved him. I felt like I needed a boyfriend to "fit in." Now I realize that I don't need a boyfriend. Would I like one, sure, but not just to have one. For 4 years, I thought I was madly in love with a boy 2 years older than me. He was a southern boy with a deep voice & many flaws [which I chose to ignore.] Our relationship ultimately came to an end about a year ago. I am not one to break up & get back together, so that was that. Once I knew he was talking to somebody else, that surprisingly made it SO easy for me to forget him. I feel like I loved him, but it wasn't TRUE love... it was more like puppy love. I believe that when I find "him" I will not be able to describe the kind of love I get from him. He will be the one I marry, the one I spend the rest of my life with, the one I sit on the front porch in rocking chairs with. I won't be able to get over just how much I love him. When that day comes, I will be the happiest girl in the world & you guys will definitely know about it.

 hugs-kisses & love

Friday, October 22, 2010

What's In A Name?

Day 2 of the 30-day Blog Challenge.

When I first set up my blogger, I filled everything out, personalized everything & even put up my header & background before I came up with my blog name. "Meaningful Nonsense" is the name that really struck a chord with me. I love oxymorons. Call me an English nerd all you want, but I really find it interesting that so many sayings we use everyday completely conflict each other. For instance, pretty ugly. So I knew I needed something different. When I think of blogs, I think of meaningful stories of everyday lives of bloggers. The nonsense comes into play because if you know me, I am really really random. I like to say off the wall things just to get a laugh, or to make somebody laugh. That is one of my favorite things to do, make people laugh. So, it only made sense to put meaningful & nonsense together. I feel like it personifies my personality-- serious & fun all at the same time.

Day 1. BC.

WOW, it has been a LONG time since my last post! Sorry about that. I was browsing my blogs I follow & came across my friend, Tiffany's blog & it is a thirty day blog challenge. It seems really interesting & fun, so I am going to be starting that & maybe throwing in some other random blogs here & there. Here goes SOMETHIN'.

Day One: Recent Picture. Introduce Yourself. 15 facts. 
 This is me & my friend Blaire at work.

I work at Sonic Drive-In & have for 4 years now. I am starting at Paul Mitchell in the spring. I absolutely love all things fashion/beauty related. I love my life.

  1. I moved to Memphis in 2001.. & I really don't hate it too much anymore, but I would much rather be in St.Louis. 
  2. I am in LOVE with the St.Louis Cardinals. Yadi is truly a hottie :]
  3. I hate disorganization, unless it is my own.
  4. I have a serious addiction.. to shopping. I could literally shop all day, every day. I love it so much!
  5. If you tell me I can't do something, I will do it, on time & better than you could have done it. I am VERY stubborn.
  6. I hate being wrong.
  7. I hate when I'm right & somebody tells me I'm wrong even more.
  8. I already have my wedding dress, colors & bridesmaids dresses picked out in my head.. [I am single & do not even like anybody right now.]
  9. I love being a Christian & I am truly blessed beyond ALL measure.
  10. I think hoodies, Old Navy jeans & big sunglasses are the perfect ingredients for a perfect day.
  11. I have clothes & shoes in my closet that I have never worn.
  12. I cannot bite my tongue. Why is it that when we are younger they teach us not to lie, but when we grow older, they teach us to bite our tongues?? Nobody can ever say I'm not honest.
  13. I cannot lie to save my soul. So, if I tell you something, you should believe it, unless the huge grin appears on my face & my eyebrows raise... or so I'm told.
  14. I consider myself to be very creative, in many areas, but I get bored easily with things, push them aside, then fall in love with them all over again.
  15. I love the friends that I have. Loyal friends are few & far between. Yes, we all may have our fights & disagreements, but in the end, the fact that we are all still there for each other & we can laugh & cry with each other means the world to me. I love you guys more than you will ever know.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


As I sit here, windows open, hot chocolate in hand, sweats on, dvr playing my favorite shows, I realized I have a few shows that i follow hardcore. Here they are, weird as they may be.

I never watched this, until we got ATT U-VERSE. It had the first season on demand, I had one week when I just had nothing to do at all, so I decided I would just check this out. I fell in love with Mr. Dexter Morgan. This show is really gory, but really funny at the same time. This is not for those who don't like the sight of blood. It reminds me of criminal minds, but more twisted. There are m plot twists than any show I have ever seen before & more suspense than I have ever heard of. I highly recommend it for people who like crime shows, for REAL!

Say yes to the dress itself is an amazing show... Big Bliss takes it to a whole other level. It genuinely gives me hope and makes me feel so good about my good ole TLC. TLC is where I find alot of my favorite shows, because they truly have something for everyone!!! Wedding shows, in particular are a huge hit right now & this one is the cream of the crop, for me. I cannot wait until Friday comes & I get to catch up on what my ladies [& gentleman] are doing at Kleinfeld's.

Call me crazy, but this show rocks. If you haven't ever seen it before, it comes on MSNBC & it basically just gives an insiders look at the lives of criminals and corrections officers in state prisons. The things that these people have done & continue to do blows my mind. I am completely and utterly intrigued by criminals, because I just don't understand how people do the things they do.  Call me a freak, but it is so interesting to me & this show just shows you what the consequences are for the guys, all be it slaps on the wrists most of the time, but it is really interesting.

This guy is a total inspiration. He embraces the lives of the people he follows for a week. By the end of the time he is with his current friend, he truly cares about them like they have known each other for years. He follows very diverse people in their everyday lives. It gives us a view into the lives of people that we may not see on a day to day basis. It is an eye-opening show that is so worth your time watching.

Happy Tivoing, Folks.


Ok, I guess I should begin by stating that USUAL fashionista Fridays will consist more of beauty products & what not. HOWEVER, this is really something I feel like I need to vent about, seeing as I live it first hand & just need to get a few things off of my plus-sized chest. :D

"Big Is Beautiful"
The headline above is what I have heard repeatedly in my short 20 years. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I guess struggled with isn't the right term... had a higher weight than most of those around me?? Maybe that's a better way of phrasing it, maybe not. What I mean, though, is that I don't like to let my weight defeat me. I am beautiful, plus or minus 30 lbs. I have chosen to embrace my weight. I have come to terms with the fact that I will NEVER be a size 2... I am TOTALLY ok with that. Who wants to live in a world where everybody is a string bean? NOT ME. I am surrounded by girls who are smaller than me constantly, but I, inlike alot of bigger girls I know, do not choose to let it get me down. Would I have a bf if I were skinny, perhaps, but I will get to that later. Would I be healthier, sure, maybe a little bit, but as far as that's concerned, I am fine. Would I find more clothes???... I will get to THAT later, also. This is going to be a longer post, so bear with me, peeps, and buckle in for a plus size ride.

Let me get down to the "boyfriend" question...
My philosophy is that I don't want a bf who wont accept me at my heaviest. If he won't accept me how I am now, then he sure doesn't deserve me at a skinnier weight. I have been the same weight for about 5 years. It is easy for me to lose weight, but I kind of want somebody to accept me like this. Call me crazy, but I know there is somebody out there looking for a beautiful, fluffy, brunette, just waiting to love her for her and nothing less.

The clothes issue...
If you are a plus size girl who gets defeated when she tries on clothes at a "normal" store and they never fit you no matter what you do or what size you try on, have no fear, there IS hope! [but it is a pain in the FAT to figure out where you will get the most bang for your buck] I have been to that place where you DREAD shopping for clothes because you KNOW they wont have cute stuff for you. The hardest part about being bigger, is being inventive. For instance, I have a TON of cardigans-- I HATE my arms, but with cardigans, I can buy the cute little tanks, pair them with a cardi & look ADORABLE. The first problem with fluffy girl clothing stores is that most of them are either WAY too expensive, or WAY too "trendy." Lane Bryant, for example, sometimes has great items, but 90 DOLLARS FOR A DRESS...REALLY?? Let me just say this, there is NO friggin way that an extra yard of fabric costs 70 more dollars than a size 10!!! AND IM NOT PAYING THAT MUCH FOR A DRESS!!! The next problem is that the clothes are generally either too old looking, or aimed at a younger demographic. There isn't a whole lot for girls my age... But I, being the fashionista that I like to consider myself, have found my holy grails for clothing/shoes/accessories.

Cato. I cannot say enough about this place. If you have never been, go! The have something for everyone. From young girls, to teens, to plus sized women. The shoes are fabulous, the jewelry is cheap and beautiful, and they even have home accents. I have a closet full of "Cato Clearance." I always find something on the clearance rack. They get new items all the time, and put the old on clearance. It is an amazing store, and I highly recommend it to women of all ages & shapes!

Old Navy [ONLINE]
Now, I can shop at the store, but online, Old Navy has a huge plus sized selection. The sizes go from sizes 16-30, I believe. And they even go up to a 3x in the tops. They constantly have sales & deals on shipping. The one thing I love about Old Navy more than anything else is their jeans, "sweethearts" or "bootlegs" to be exact. I have really short legs, but I'm really stout. These jeans have the perfect amount of stretch, without falling off of you by the end of the day & for gals with shorter legs, they don't drag the ground, HALLELUJAH!!! 

 Ross Dress For Less.
Now, some fashionistas don't like to dig through racks of sometimes unorganized clothes, but here, I promise you it is worth it! This is my holy grail for dresses. Their summer dress selection is unbeatable. The most I have ever paid for a dress at Ross is maybe 20 dollars? With prices like these, I rarely ever leave with just one dress. The sizes range from 0-28 ( & everywhere in between.) Yes, it sucks having to be inventive sometimes, but with a little time & effort, you can look just as fashion forward as your "normal" sized friends.

I hate when friends, who are significantly smaller than me complain about not being able to find anything to wear. Now I understand if you're not a shopper, but EVERY girl can look good with a little help from stores like those above. I have to shop around longer than most of my other friends, yes, but in the end it is so rewarding when you find an outfit that just makes you feel like a million bucks. Whether you are going to church, a wedding, a job interview, or just running up the street to Wally World, try to put your best foot, face and outfit forward. First impressions are everything & fluffy girls just have to work that much harder to leave an imprint on somebody's impression. I know this blog has been way random & maybe not something you wanted to read, but it was my rant, fabulous & frugal at the same time :]. The moral of the story is; One size DOESN'T fit all, but with a little work, your size CAN be perfect & you CAN be comfortable in your own skin, no matter if you are a size 2 or a size 22, smile, put on a beautiful outfit, rockin' heels, some jewelry to accessorize, be confident & you will be happier than you have ever been in your life, PROMISE.

 Plus Sized Wishes & Chanel Dreams...