Monday, January 3, 2011


At the beginning of every year, everybody always makes resolutions. I have never really had one that i stuck to before... until this year. I have set out to lose weight this year. I know, I know, everybody says that, but in my case it is more like a need, instead of a want. I have kind of just remained at the same weight for about 5 years. I am content, but driven. I know that if i set my mind to do it, I can achieve the weight loss. I am going to journal on here about my journey. 
Tonight, I started day one of Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I have never been so sore in my entire life. I used to go to the gym for at least 2 hours a day and was never this sore. Just call me bill cosby, cause my legs are JELLO! I am also going to do my food journal on here, i think, not sure yet, but just to keep track of everything.

GOAL: Be A Size 14 By October...

Food Journal-
Breakfast: one huge orange and a sobe life water.
Lunch: spinach salad w/ onion vinaigrette, blueberry yogurt & an apple.
Dinner: homemade vegetable soup & a piece of cornbread.
Snacks: ben & jerrys mint chocolate cookie ice cream :X I know, I know, but it wasn't much & I was cravvviinnnnnng.
My cheat days are Sunday's & I kind of cheated tonight, but oh well.
I have been drinking a TONNNN of water throughout my day. What helps me most is lemon slices & cranberry added in when I am at work. I have completely given up sodas and have never felt better. I have only been doing this for a week and I already sleep better & have a better mood throughout the day.

Speaking of sleep, I need to go catch some now... Until next time, 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your journey! I'll be joining the journey in April after Baby E comes!
