Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm A Little More Country Than That...

Let me preface this by saying, I am going against everything I have EVER been taught by "becoming southern." It all started about 20 years ago in a little hospital in St.Louis, Missouri. I was born and raised in STL, with a few pit stops in Baltimore, MD, and now, finally Memphis, TN. This is my story. This is my transformation, HAHA.

I was perfectly content with living in STL the rest of my life. What could be better than Cardinals games, the arch, Six Flags & not to mention, my amazing family & friends... evidently my mom was not so content.

Then, one day, my mom fell in love. You see, my parents are and have been divorced for quite some time. Long story short- I hate my sperm donor of a father. Back to my mother. She fell in love with a man who lived in Memphis. SAY WHAT? If you know me, you know that I am not one to stay quiet and not speak my opinion. As soon as she even mentioned moving to the freakin', stinkin' SOUTH, I went off... so much to the point I refused to even walk to the car, I had to be dragged out. So, we eventually did end up moving to Memphis in the middle of my 6th grade year. Buddy, was I in for the shock of my life...

Shadowlawn Middle School. Boy, was I dealing with MAJOR culture shock. Everyone spoke with such a draw, it was hard for me to understand at first. The words they used cracked me up.

    * They all drink sweet tea- I hate the stuff.
    * Fried chicken- GROSS.
    * What the heck is "FIXIN' TO?"
    * They all wear camo & boots.
    * What in the world are "wallabees?"

Those are just some of the things that boggled my mind at first. I made friends fast. I caught on to the lingo pretty quick to. I started in the middle of the school year, like I said, so I had to adapt to their teaching methods. The teachers all taught really slow compared to what I was used to. I would give my reports in the front of the class & would get marks off for speaking too fast. I read really fast. These kids lived such a laid back life compared to what I was used to. And the worst part was- they all knew each other...

Bolton High School surely came fast for me. Let me begin this section of my little southern life by saying BHS is an agricultural high school. Yep, MORE culture shock. You would assume that by this time, I would be pretty knee deep into the southern ways, but to tell you the truth, I HATED it. These guys all drove HUGE redneck trucks, with rebel flags flyin'. And don't even get me started with these little girls. It was my sophomore year, 2006, when we tried out the HUNDREDTH church. Sunday came, and we sat in Easthill Baptist Church. GAG ME. These people are beyond fake, they shout and some even dance [haha] up and down the aisles. Their choir leaves much to be desired & don't even get me started about their youth group. I didn't even try to hide the fact that my mom basically did everything but pull teeth to get me to sit in the pew. I eventually settled in... this took a few years, actually. I then befriended Tiffany Keith, and then Emily Turpin & many others. I'll never forget the first night I spent the night with Tiffany. Never had I ever felt like I fit in before in the south. Her family made me feel like I fit in there. That summer, I pretty much lived at the Keith residence. Me & Tiffany became inseperable. We had kind of a falling out, and then I found Emily Turpin. I began hanging out with her, because her husband was deployed to Iraq. I knew emily before she married Michael, but we really weren't too terribly close. This time, it was like, woah, we are going to be best friends. Her family took me in And we were, and we are. Between the Turpins/Evans & the Keiths, I got PLENTY of southern education! But I still wasn't havin' it. I hated the southern culture. Mud, deer, boots, camo, fried EVERYTHING, ma'am, sir... that's not how I was raised.

The other night, me & Tiffany were riding around, and it just clicked. I have been in the south. now, the majority of my 20 years. I might as well soak up all of the southern ways that I can. I am surrounded by it, and I am going to be for AWHILE. I might as well embrace it. I know, I know, I was so stubborn to begin with, but something inside of me just feels like it wants to be southern. I still have a long way to go, but this ride should be fun. We stopped by Brittany Arnold's house, to ask if she had any southern tips for me... Boy, did I learn more than just a few tips :] Here is what I learned that lovely Sunday night in January:
  • You have to drop the "g" to any word ending with it.
  • Take the "a" out of all of the days of the week.
  • Britches.
  • Say Ya'll & Fixin' To.
  • How to call the hogs.. and how to call the hogs willbo-style.
  • Give everybody nicknames.
  • Say hey to everyone you meet.
  • Yes ma'am and sir... this one is gonna be a hard one.
  • I need some boots & some camo in my closet.
  • We don't like dodges, HAHA.
  • We only root for SEC, but more specifically: Arkansas, Tennessee & Memphis.
  • We hate: BAMA. LSWHO & KENSUCKY.
  • I should like sweet tea, even though that will NEVER happen :]
  • Draw out all of my words.
  • Don't say you guys or ma.
There is much more, but I am drawing a blank right now. I promised Tiff and BA that I would blog about this, so here it is. My story so far. We'll see how long this last, or better yet, we'll see how well this goes :]. If you had asked me 2 years ago, even 2 months ago, if this would all be happening, I would have laughed in your face. Now, I feel like I just need to embrace the southern culture. What tips would YOU give me about living in the south?

Hogs, huntin' & sweet tea wishes, B.

Friday, January 7, 2011



So, recently I have caught up on my recorded shows. The one show that gives me more motivation and drive is MTV's "I Used To Be Fat." OH MY GOODNESS! Basically what happens is a trainer takes a young adult [16-22] and reinvents their body in about 90 days. The last episode I watched, the girl went from being 253 lbs on the first day, and was trying on size 4 dresses on the last. Talk about motivation, for real!! I am so excited for what God has planned for my life. I feel like I really can achieve my goal. Knowing that these girls have gone from about my weight to WAY beyond my goal, it makes me wonder why I haven't done this sooner. 

I love losing weight, but HATE not being able to shop. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am such a shopaholic! It is literally KILLING me not being able to buy new clothes. I mean, it would absolutely defeat the weight loss if I went out and bought clothes that are just going to be too big next month. But, I mean, I guess that's really not a bad problem to have. The only thing I have bought lately is my Jillian workout mat & hand weights & some containers and bags to help proportion our snacks and cereals.

Let me start my daily food journal by saying, I researched last night until my eyes bled. The final decision is that I break my meals down into smaller sizes, so I really never feel hungry... even though it looks like a have eaten a TON, really, spread out, it is a good, proportional way for me to be eating :]

Food Journal:
  • 1 Bowl of Special k red berries.
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 banana.
  • wheatables.
  • pretzels.
  • 1 & 1/2 cups red beans and rice.
  • a half a gallon of water.
  • a half a bottle of powerade.
  • laughing cow french onion cheese wedge.
  • 1 skinny cow mint truffle ice cream.[DELICIOUS!]
Ok, looking at it now, I didn't eat as much as I thought I did, but nevertheless, I am not hungry and I feel so much better. And soon, I will be nothing more and nothing less than Triple F: 

 Jumping Jack wishes & Bicep Curl dreams, B.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

nombre de quatre jours!

This is my motivation quote for the day. Yesterday & today, I have been super motivated! I did levels 1 & 2 of the shred. I really surprised myself. The second time, and the second level, I did alone, but I really stuck to it better when I was by myself, which is opposite of how I thought I would be. I haven't peed so much in my entire LIFE. I bought a HUGE beer-stein-ish mug from the dollar tree and everytime I sit to watch t.v. I try to drink atleast one of those. During Jersey Shore, I drank two. I am already seeing some benefits of dieting and working out. I went to run some errands today, even though I wasn't feeling to great, and my sweatpants, straight out of the dryer, were a little bit baggy. Ok, for us chubby girls for, fresh, just-out-of-the-dryer pants to be even a LITTLE big baggy, is like that moment that makes you want to run and tell everybody you know, and you pray somebody notices. 

Food Journal:
2 bowls of special k.
a grilled chicken breast.
unsalted broccoli.
unsalted carrots.
2 bags of pretzels.--> we portioned the entire box.
1/4 cup of noodles.
a ton of water with lemon.
a glass of milk.
a gala apple.
and 2 dove peppermint bark dark chocolate candies.

Tonight, Jersey Shore premiered... AND WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! Let's just say, I hope sammi gets her freaking hair ripped out by jwoww! I am so excited for this season, OH YEAHHHHH! In other, Brittany boring news--- I am working on ready two books, yep, at the same time, lol. I am reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" & "Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea." Two completely opposite books, but both amazing at the same time. I love Chelsea Handler, so of course her book is friggin hilarious! And the time traveler's wife is a BIT strange, but intriguing. We shall see which one I finish first... should be interesting. :]

<3  B.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

day two of thirty.

Today was MUCH worse!! MUCH WORSE! Jillian Michaels really does get the job done though, just look at all of the AMAZING stories on The Biggest Loser. But, she is literally kicking my butt! I am so determined it is ridiculous. My thighs burn, my boobs are sore, I cannot even move my feet without my calves killing me, but it will all be worth it when I meet that goal of FOURTEEN! 

The hardest part, as I'm sure it is with everyone else dieting and losing weight, is the food.. UGH. Today I woke up pretty late, because I worked out right before bed & I didn't have to get up early, so I started my day off with lunch. Today I have eaten:
  • A portion size of pretzels.
  • A portion size of wheatables.
  • A bottle of sobe lifewater.
  • A cup & a half of home made chicken stir fry.
  • A peach snapple.
  • 2 blueberry yogurts.
  • A cup of macaroni & cheese [ I know, I know, but Jill says to indulge smart & my cheat was this for the day :) ]
  •  4 hersheys hugs.
  • A ton of water with lemon.
  • A spinach salad with onion vinaigrette  
[ i LOVE this dressing and I literally use like 3 tbsp]
  • Last but not least is one soft, bob's peppermint stick.
I am working on eating more meals at smaller sizes & not eating 2 hours before I go to bed. I am really feeling better and have more energy. This has only been going on for about a week and I feel like I can do anything. I am in better moods and know that the pain running intensely throughout my body is all going to pay off in the end. 

What really helps me during my workout time is to close my eyes and picture myself at my goal weight -- even at an 18, and I just push through. Yeah, I may feel like I am going to tremble and fall to the ground, but envisioning the future me makes me push it! I am so excited I started blogging so I can keep track & maybe just inspire someone, somewhere to push through & maybe I can help someone who is lost find their way to their goal!

lactic acid & lemon water dreams, 

Monday, January 3, 2011


At the beginning of every year, everybody always makes resolutions. I have never really had one that i stuck to before... until this year. I have set out to lose weight this year. I know, I know, everybody says that, but in my case it is more like a need, instead of a want. I have kind of just remained at the same weight for about 5 years. I am content, but driven. I know that if i set my mind to do it, I can achieve the weight loss. I am going to journal on here about my journey. 
Tonight, I started day one of Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I have never been so sore in my entire life. I used to go to the gym for at least 2 hours a day and was never this sore. Just call me bill cosby, cause my legs are JELLO! I am also going to do my food journal on here, i think, not sure yet, but just to keep track of everything.

GOAL: Be A Size 14 By October...

Food Journal-
Breakfast: one huge orange and a sobe life water.
Lunch: spinach salad w/ onion vinaigrette, blueberry yogurt & an apple.
Dinner: homemade vegetable soup & a piece of cornbread.
Snacks: ben & jerrys mint chocolate cookie ice cream :X I know, I know, but it wasn't much & I was cravvviinnnnnng.
My cheat days are Sunday's & I kind of cheated tonight, but oh well.
I have been drinking a TONNNN of water throughout my day. What helps me most is lemon slices & cranberry added in when I am at work. I have completely given up sodas and have never felt better. I have only been doing this for a week and I already sleep better & have a better mood throughout the day.

Speaking of sleep, I need to go catch some now... Until next time,